McAuliffe Center Planetarium
Framingham State University
Framingham, MA
The Christa McAuliffe Center was established on the campus of Framingham State University to continue the educational mission which was the life work of FSU's most notable graduate, Sharon Christa Corrigan McAuliffe. The primary purpose of the Christa McAuliffe Center is to support teachers in their work by offering science and math programs designed for both students and teachers.
PRA worked closely with University and McAuliffe Center Staff on the design of the new, state-of-the-art, 60 seat planetarium. PRA also coordinated with Spitz, Inc. on the 30’-0” dome featuring a perforated aluminum 360 degree projection screen and specialty integrated electrical and lighting systems. The work also included a new glass enclosed lobby entrance that connects the new planetarium to the existing McAuliffe Center building and serves as a multi-use gathering and display space. The addition's exterior image is both 'future looking' as well as expressive of the building's civic purpose.